Reflections on Dylan Thomas
Castell Talachan, Laugharne Castle "Brown as Owls" from 'October' Dylan's Birthday poem

'Brown as owls' doesn't work for the castle it is as grey as the cloying estuary mud which shines and colours with a living decay

Should I paint in colour and then render to black and white for this page. To begin:- I scraped up  mud, so a multi sensory experience while painting!
 I hear the the calls of the seagulls, the curlew and feel the finger cramping, cold  biting wind of February as it closes on the ranging rusts and greys of winter's colours and as March begins

..and now onto a different painting of the castle and the mud ..this time for a ceramic slip?


My Dylan Thomas Sculpture in the FAS 'Poet of Conflict' Exhibition this Summer 2014

These variations were specifically made for a postcard project by Doozie
based on my sculpture


'Channeling Dylan... or not!'
the Autumn leaf begins to fall
and the sap dies back as the firmament runs cold in its fluttering
of this living seasonal death

And the bare cold branches at mercy to the North wind uttering
 maintain a stand in fiery reds, sun golden yellows
An earthbound carpet, the celestial final call

October 2014